Ewart House in Ireland

Ewart Mansion -- Built in 1875?

Ewart Mansion was built by Robert and Matthew. Matthew never
married, but he lived in the house
with Robert & his family. Later
Matt lived with
Robert's son and his family in the house. It was quite a showplace in its day;
it even had a cork surface tennis court. It was built some years after
the founding of the town.
Robert's son was my grandfather.
My father was born and lived in the house until he went to college.
Unfortunately the house burned while he was a student at Grinnell
College. (Circa 1930) -- Ned Ewart |

Ewart Mansion from an earlier
time-- (no picket fence)

Presbyterian Church 1903

Methodist Church 1920's ?

The first church I attended.

Presbyterian Church -- 1922 to present

Currently services are
not held at the church. In
fact, it is for sale.
I was married to
Jerry Iverson at this church May 22, 1965

Pleasant Township
AKA Clover Leaf Cemetery
Ewart Cemetery

Ewart Mausoleum where members of the Ewart Family are buried.

Ladely gravestone -Pleasant Township cemetery

Dad: 101 yrs. Mom: 90 yrs.
Over looking the
Cottage Hill Farm
where they lived for 57 years,
resting beside neighbors they had
known for life Bert and Margaret Stemsrud.

Cottage Hill Farm
Owned by Russell & Dorothy Ladely 1946- 2002

Pleasant Township School #5
Two Room Schoolhouse
Dorothy Ladely was the
secretary/treasurer for the school district.
Charles Wells, an excellent accountant, and local farmer.
The book of transactions is in my possession.

Country School Pleasant #5
Not in use when this picture was taken
in 1970's.

One can see that the school house was split
into two rooms, 2 chimneys one on each end, central door.
Children used to have to pump water from the
well, bring it in and set it in the hallway. Duty rosters
determined what
each student was expected to do.
I attended in the 1950's, Kindergarten through 6th grade, classes were held in the East portion of the school
There was a long bench by the teacher's desk for the students sat on when it was their
turn for class.
Oral recitation was the rule. Everyone could hear the answers, right or wrong.
Many students learned more advanced material
that way. The second room was a play room on rainy days or days that were too snowy.
students went out side to play, sometimes they would find fossils in the soil,
deposited by glaciers 10,000 years earlier.
Here is an example of testing for 8th grade graduation.
Test for 8th grade graduation 1895: from
Salina, KS.
This was typical of the rural school system. Eighth grade was a milestone in
student life; many
required to go to work, thus ending their formal education. Many rural
schools had a graduation ceremony for 8th grade.
Were you able to pass the test? It makes us think
that an 8th grade education was not so bad. How does it compare to education

July 4, 2003
Photo by Linda Stemsrud Vogt
Johnson Feed & Grain Elevator,
owned by Carmen Johnson.
The elevator sat unused for years,
a relic of
the past.
It has been removed.

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Last update:
Friday, June 15, 2018 05:24:07 PM